Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What is art?????

Art? What an interesting subject. The way I see it, art is both personal and nonpersonal. Personal in the fact that everything at one time was art to its creator whether the intention of this creation was for others to see it as art or not...its still art to that one person. Art is also nonpersonal. It to one person like I said may be art, but to another it may not fit there perscription of what art is. Art includes everything and excludes nothing. Art is what it is; nothing less. It can always be more. Art always lies within the person.

Monday, October 20, 2008

She Unnames Them-Worldview

God and The Universe:

When Eve goes to have a conversation with Adam and his father we can know that Adam is a child of God; seeing as God was the one who created Adam. God is Adams father. EX. "I resolutely put anxiety away, went to Adam, and said, 'You and your father lent me this'."

Humanity and Identity:

It is interesting to read this becuase all of us were given names at birth, and have thought nothing of it. For instance most of us would never change our name just becuase. Eve comes to realization that everyone and everything has been given a name; some like it and some don't. We are identified by our names. Most of the time we don't even think twice when we call someone by their right name. It's different when they are called by their wrong name. EX. "All agreed enthusiastically to give their names back to the people to whom-as they put it-they belonged."

Conflict and Suffering:

This piece didn't have much suffering. On the other hand, They were conflict within Eve. She was not happy with how the nameing of animals had gone about. She learned it would be much harder to go about unnameing already the named. EX. "In fact I had only just then realized how hard it would have been to explainmyself."

Hope and Redemption:

In this case the ultimate problem was Eve unlike for names. Some followed along with how Eve felt and they too liked namelessness. EX. "Most of them accepted namelessness with the perfect indifference with which they had so long accepted and ignored their names."

Values and Relationships:

Eve felt that when those that which were named became unnamed she still felt close to them. She had a connection with them. EX. "None were left now to unname, and yet how close I felt to them."

Truth and Knowledge:

Her words now have become her truths. She must now be so careful as to watch the words she speaks so that she in turn does not go against what her goal is; the unnaming of all. EX. "My words now must be slow, as new, as single, as tentative as the steps I took going down the path away from the house, between the dark-branched, tall dancers motionless against the winter shinning."

Honestly I can't put a worldview to this. Although they talk about Adam and Eve and we assume from the use of father in the text that God is spoken about. Christianity could be put to this text, but I don't think it gives the perfect reflection of the pieces worldview.

Senior Quote

"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future." -Miel Durrett

Saturday, October 18, 2008

American Pie

God and the Universe:
"And do you have faith in God above, if the Bible tells you so?"
"The father, son, and the holy ghost"

Humanity and Identity:
"Them good old boys were drikin' whiskey and rye and singin', 'This'll be the day that I die. This'll be the day that I die'."

Conflict and Suffering:
"'Cause the players tried to take the field; the marching band refused to yeild. Do you recall what was revealed the day the music died."

Hope and Redemption:
"bye-bye miss american pie. drove my chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry."

Values and Relationships"
"And in the streets:children screamed, the lovers cried, the poets dreamed."

Truth and Knowledge
"Did you write the book of love, and do you have faith in God above, if the Bible tells you so."

The conclusion I have come to after rereading and over looking the song again, is that this is a Christian worldview. This was once seen in the life of these people, but the "levee was dry", and so there faith and religion died along with it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paradise Lost: Humanity & Identity

Paradise Lost consists of many examples to show specific worldviews. For example in the first lines it says "Of the forbidden tree, whose mortal tast brought death into the world". This directly shows that humanity is a concept shown. We are material and there for can perish from our mortal bodies. Then in the next line it shows that there is a spirit within this mortality. "Till one greater Man restores us, and regain the blissful seat", is showing that there is a "Man" higher than us that will restores our souls when we die. "And mad'st it pregnant: What in me is dark Illumin, what is low raise and support; that to the highth of this great argument I may assert Eternal Providence" shows both that we were born into a human body and we also have a spiritual being in us that will last in Eternal Providence.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Wizard Of Oz

The Wizard of Oz has always been seen as a classic. The Wizard has been seen to be this all knowing all seeing being that controls maters in life. He fulfills the wants and dreams of all that go in full pursuit of what they want. I think we can easily put this under the category of christianity and what beliefs that entails.


First you must know the definition of a worldview which is the way we look at the world and our place in it. Ultimately to interpret a worldview in literature you must look at the author and his background. He or she is the obvious and only one to know the meaning behind a text. You must know the meaning of a text to even come close to knowing the worldview.